How to directly print from your browser using QZ Tray and use a signed certificate
UPDATE: I have received multiple responses asking for various clarifications. I would first like to say that QZ Tray is not a tool that I always use. Also I have recently tried the same tutorial and it worked well. There was no any issues for me.
Feel free to follow this article and happy coding as always. :)
Mostly, in developing web based cashier applications the next problem after setting up transaction logic is, “How to pass the information to a printer device”. This can be done by library provided by qz technologies. Actually this is a great tool to do communication between your web application and the printer.

Using qz library
Qz works in two parts. One, the qz client that we download as a setup and install on our computer. This must run in the background from the startup and this creates print jobs for our printer. Other part is the source code that we include in our project and try to issue commands to the client.
So let’s see how to make this happen with
- First download the qz setup from their website and install it. Then you have what issues print commands to your printer. Make sure you download the qz tray 2.0 because that version is more compatible with what we are going to do.
- Second, include the source codes in your project. These are located at the application installation location.
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/dependencies/rsvp-3.1.0.min.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="js/dependencies/sha-256.min.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="js/qz-tray.js"></script>
- Then you can use the qz commands in the application.
qz.websocket.connect().then(function() {
//next function after connecting to the service
- Apart from that there are a lot of commands and these steps are also well written in the getting started page.
Printing types
There are several types of feeding data to qz for printing. You can use so many types as raw data, HTML, base64, image types, etc. More information about printing is included in this page. The performance, quality and the content may vary depending on the type of data we are using for printing.
function print() {
var config = qz.configs.create("your printer name");
var data = [
'Should be simple data\n',
'To be printed\n'
qz.print(config, data).catch(function(e) {
By using a simple script like this, you can print something on your printer. You can use raw data for very fast printing like POS printing. Try to change options in printing for a better result.
Now you got the setup and a basic printing right. Now let’s head on to the advanced part of this article.
Self-signed certificates
The only problem that is there is the warning dialogs that pops up in the way during each execution of print, connect commands. It only happens in free version of the client. This is really annoying in general use. This happens due to unsigned certificates that come with each request to the qz client. From version 2.0 the developers have provided a way to recompile the binaries with a generated self signed certificate and make the popups go away.

Our goal is to make the popup say that the request for the client is from a trusted location. To successfully do this, you’ll need to recompile the client setup using a key and a certificate that are self-signed.

1. First we will recompile the binaries for the client. Before doing so, you should install the required dependencies and setup them.
- Install JDK 7 or higher.
- Setup Apache Ant.
- Setup following environmental variables.
set ANT_HOME=c:\ant
set JAVA_HOME=c:\jdk1.7.0_51
set PATH=%PATH%;%ANT_HOME%\bin
- Install NSIS 3.0+.
- Install git.
2. Clone the source code for the application.
3. Install OpenSSL.
- OpenSSL is used to create the self signed certificate. You can download OpenSSL binaries and start creating a certificate and a key for your own.
- Use the following code to generate a key and certificate. Various inouts will be required in making this certificate though. We only need to enter those details in each step.
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days 11499 -nodes
- Following will be some example inputs input while running this command.
Country Name (2 letter code) [XX] : LK
State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State] : Western
Locality Name (eg, city) [] : Colombo
Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]: University of Moratuwa
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []: CSE
Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) []: THIS ENTRY IS IMPORTANT, this should be your domain name in wildcard format an example of this would be “*”: *
Email Address []:
- Once we have the certificate and the key generated we need to do another round of modification.
- We need to convert our key to a different format using the following command. If you are prompted to use a password in this step, please use a secure password.
openssl pkcs12 -inkey key.pem -in cert.pem -export -out privateKey.pfx
4. Recompile the binaries using the new certificate.
- Navigate to the location of the source code using the command prompt. Now run this command to build using ant and the newly created certificate file.
c:\ant\bin\ant nsis -Dauthcert.use="c:\OpenSSL-Win64\bin\cert.pem"
- Make sure that you modify the command according to your file paths where ant and the new certificate file lies.
- The new installation files will be located at the “out” folder of your source code folder.
5. Now what you have to do is install the newly created installation file in the system.
6. Next we will sign the messages from client side.
- First read the basic instructions for signing messages on this page.
- Here, I will show the easiest way of signing a message and get the qz tray popup done. It is by editing the function. (resolve, reject) {
resolve("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n" +
"-----END CERTIFICATE-----");
var privateKey = "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n" +
"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\n" +
"-----END PRIVATE KEY-----"; (toSign) {
return function (resolve, reject) {
try {
var pk = new RSAKey();
var hex = pk.signString(toSign, 'sha1');
console.log("DEBUG: \n\n" + stob64(hextorstr(hex)));
} catch (err) {
function strip(key) {
if (key.indexOf('-----') !== -1) {
return key.split('-----')[2].replace(/\r?\n|\r/g, '');
- With this, you will get a popup that you can check “Remember this decision” and make it go away forever.

- There are examples for other languages in here. You can accomplish this over any preferred language.
7. Trusted certificate should be allowed only once and you are good to go with qz tray.
Happy coding :)